Define the goal of the tournament

The global body seeks creativity in all its programs and works, and as it works to upgrade researchers and inventors. This competition was launched in order to be the focus of attention for researchers seeking distinction, uniqueness and scientific precedence in various specialties, and in order to raise scientific progress in international forums and lead to international precedence of distinction in universities and institutions. This tournament will be held periodically at the end of each year in order to harvest the efforts of researchers and inventors and crown this through international forums and to present him/ her as a distinguished person scientifically and with international accreditation.

  • Raising the spirit of competition between researchers and inventors.
  • Enriching scientific research and inventions with the best and important scientific topics.
  • Stimulating the international community's interest in the value of scientific research and inventions.
  • Strengthening the role of researcher and inventor in universities and institutions.
  • Exchanging scientific, innovative and creative experiences and knowledge.
  • Refining the skills of researchers and inventors through international participation.
  • Enhancing the confidence of the distinguished researcher and inventor in his scientific value and publicizing his scientific output internationally.
  • Providing international and investment opportunities to researchers and inventors.