
- Send the participation form through the official link of the tournament
- Pay the fees within a week of registration and acceptance
- Do not repeat sending and make sure that the email and the application are received and approved
- In the event of cancellation- fees paid are not refundable
- Provide the required all the documents and forms
- Fees do not include airfare and hotel accommodation
- For special orders you can contact a unified international WhatsApp number 00962798812398

(registration fee does not include accommodation) 
Attendance and participation certificate  

Participation in the following activities:
1. Participation in the World Cup qualifiers
2. Participation for free in the exhibition of inventions and scientific research
3. Participation in the launch of the future conference
4. Attending accompanying events
5. It is a priority to submit a participation in the initiative to manufacture inventions

- A fee of ( $100 ) category can be attend
- Publishing research papers for ($150 fees) in GOIDI refereed journals
- Those wishing to attend only contact of WhatsApp number
- Those wishing to contact of a hotel booking at WhatsApp number 

Institutional subscription category $600 fees (registrations fees don't include accommodation) 
- Attendance and participation certificates  
- Participation in the following activities:
1. Participation for free in the exhibition of scientific  research and inventions
2. Participation in the launch of the future conference
3. Attending accompanying event
4. It is a priority to submit a participation in the initiative to manufacture invention
5. Business meetings